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My name is Amani Garrido. I am 16 years old and a rising senior at Kipp NYC College Prep as a graduate of class of 2019 and want to major in veterinary medicine and minor in dance at Brooklyn College.  I enjoy writing poetry, dancing, reading, hanging out with friends and listening to music.

I was born in Flatlands, Brooklyn,on November 16,  and grew up in Crown Heights. Growing up, music and dancing were my life. Not a day would go by where I don't have music playing; it doesn't matter to me where the music is from, African, Latin, Soca, Dancehall, Rap , RNB. To me, music is  music and if you enjoy it, listen to it all you want. Growing up with a Haitian and Puerto Rican heritage, we learn how to dance from an early age, often times before we know how to walk. I know how to dance  bachata, Kompa, salsa, and because we love soca and dancehall, how to whine. I  been reading and writing poetry since the seventh grade. Poetry allows me to share my experience with figurative language and word play.  It has been a productive and healthy way to relieve stress.

I am a boisterous, energetic, semi-social girl. When I first meet someone, I am slightly standoff and mean looking, but when you get to know me, you find that I'm nothing like that. I am a satirical jokester that can find the funny in the most serious of situations. Some people may say I am  rude because I have a Dave Chappelle like sense of humor.

I love animals. Part of the reason I want to become a veterinarian is because I love taking care of animals. Growing up, I always had pets; fishes, rabbits, dogs, cats, turtles  and all. I currently have three pets, an 11 year-old pitbull, a five year-old beagle, and a seven month-old pitbull, that I treat like my children. I want to learn how to help them live a long, comfortable life.  I also want to teach their owners how to take care of their pet so they can be as healthy as possible. 

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